Match written translations (roman)

Match the Cree text with its translation

aah waapihtiyich

when they show me

aah waapihtiyisk

when s/he shows you

aah waapihtiyit

when s/he shows me

aah waapihtiyisch

when they show you

aah saachihiich

when they love me

aah saachihiisk

when s/he loves you

aah waapihtiyikwaau

when I show them

aah saachihiitwaau

when you love them

aah waapihtiyit

when you show her/him

aah saachihiit

when s/he loves me

aah saachihiit

when you love her/him

aah saachihiisch

when they love you

aah saachihiikwaau

when I love them

aah waapihtiyik

when I show her/him

aah saachihiik

when I love her/him

aah waapihtiyitwaau

when you show them

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